Alpha Labs is a WaterTrax Data Partner, reporting drinking water and wastewater test results directly into WaterTrax, a secure data management service for water utilities. More information on WaterTrax Services can be found at their website at: |
Drinking Water & Bottled Water Program Work
Alpha Analytical is certified to test for a wide range of potential contaminants in potable water, allowing us to serve the analytical needs of public drinking water systems, bottled/product water providers, and homeowners with private drinking water wells. Our testing capabilities include bacteriological parameters, a full range of inorganic analytes including trace level metals, and multiple organic compounds including volatiles, synthetics, pesticides and herbicides. We maintain dedicated organics instrumentation for potable water matrices, including GC, GCMS and HPLC bench tops for Title 21, Title 22 and Disinfectant By-Product compliance analyses.
Wastewater, Recycled Water & Storm Water Program Work
Alpha Analytical currently provides laboratory services to NPDES wastewater dischargers, recycled water generators, significant industrial users, and monitored storm water operations throughout Northern California. Clients range from relatively small industrial permitted sites to major municipal treatment operations. Our capabilities include achieving the low-level reporting limits required by the California Toxics Rule (CTR), and we have a full range of methodology geared toward sludge characterization for landfill applications.
POTW - Pretreatment Program Work
Alpha Analytical is uniquely suited to provide regulatory compliance support for industries carrying POTW Discharge Permits. We are a leader in providing the analytical expertise required by private industry, with the added capacity for field sampling services frequently required by self-monitoring facilities. Services include, but are not limited to, 24-hour auto-sampler composite installations, and onsite grab sampling including both industrial waste and storm water runoff. Should you need assistance or have questions/concerns, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Soil, Sediment, Sludge and Hazardous Waste Characterization Program Work
Alpha Analytical provides a full range of SW846 methodology to support various projects including ground water monitoring, landfill leachate, underground storage tank compliance work, and soil/sediment/sludge characterization for site remediation. In addition, we offer a broad range of bioassay analyses including fathead and rainbow trout species for % survival and hazardous waste screens.